Advances Tab

The Advance(s) tab of the Background section displays all advances that you have received that have not been applied to an expense report.

You can select any or all of those listed to apply to an expense report, or you can choose not to apply any. The total amount of all cash advances selected will be deducted from the expense report's reimbursable amount.

Screen Fields

Field Description

This is the date on which the cash advance was entered into Deltek Expense.

Reference Number

This is typically the check number or the direct deposit number for the cash advance.


This is the amount that was given to the employee in the cash advance.


This button only displays in the Create mode. Click Cancel to exit create mode and return to the Expense Report Welcome screen.


This button only displays in the Create mode. Click Back to return to the Locations tab.


This button only displays in the Create mode. After completing fields on the Advance(s) tab, click Continue to advance to the Default Charge(s) tab.


This button only displays in the Edit mode. Click Reset to clear any modifications you have made without saving them.


This button only displays in the Edit mode. Click Update to save the changes you have made.